Master Industrial Design M1.1


During this semester, I have come to understand that as a designer, I am drawn towards the use of experience design. It helps create a holistic view and find solutions through a systematic approach. This aims to achieve societal change in the transformation economy, but more specifically I am interested in using playful experiences as a tool to positively impact behavioral change. However, there are still competencies that I need to master before I can say that I have achieved my desired professional vision. To work on getting closer to this ideal, I have focused this semester on expanding my knowledge in all the expertise areas.

I developed my skills using benchmarks, market research, stakeholder mapping, and value propositions. This enhanced my ability to identify market opportunities and analyze customer needs. Involving users in the process is crucial for creating personalized local solutions in the transformation economy. I practiced stakeholder mapping, organized user tests, interviews, and co-creation sessions, improving my empathy competence. Creating value propositions helped me communicate the benefits and values of concepts. However, there’s room for improvement in identifying user threats and involving more stakeholders.

My goal was to embrace the process over the results. I practiced brainstorming techniques like mind mapping, storyboarding, brainwriting, and prototyping. Key learnings include using icebreakers to foster creativity, letting go of expectations, and being open to new ideas. Balancing exploration with tangible results remains a challenge, and I plan to set clear deadlines for future projects.

I aimed to grasp programming fundamentals and enrolled in an online C++ course, gaining a solid understanding of C++ and practicing independently. This self-directed learning helped me explore the Unity game engine, learning C# and building a 2D game with a QR scanner. I developed troubleshooting and debugging skills and look forward to deeper exploration of Unity.

Aligned with my goal of delving into UX design, I explored its multidisciplinary nature. Implementing UX methods in projects, like co-constructive stories and user experience questionnaires (UEQ), provided valuable insights. However, a larger participant pool is needed for more accurate data in future projects.

As project lead, I developed my leadership skills, focusing on inclusive decision-making and critical questioning. Managing task allocation and establishing organizational structures improved our project management. This role taught me patience, adaptability, and the nuances of leadership, enhancing my communication and project management skills.

This semester has been a journey of skill development and personal growth. I explored various domains, from business and entrepreneurship to refining my leadership skills. My focus on experience design and playful experiences as tools for societal change has been particularly rewarding. Moving forward, I am excited to apply these skills and insights to future design projects, contributing positively to innovation and meaningful change.